Saturday, January 28, 2012

Was it Murder?

Little Murders
(From The Evening Statesman. Marshall, Michigan, February 12, 1887.)


The death of Bart Garfield said to be surrounded by Mysterious Circumstances.

Referring to the death of the late Bert Garfield, mention of which has previously been made in these columns, the Bellevue Gazette says: "Suspicions have been mentioned of foul play, and the reasons given thereof; still we hardly think grounds exist on which to base such views. It is said that after his injuries he partially regained consciousness, and indistinctly uttered something about "poker" and "lantern." It is also claimed that when found his cap, gloves and overshoes were missing, and it is hardly probable that he would have been on top of the train in that condition. Reports are also current of trouble between him and the engineer and other train hands, and that the engineer on one trip would not allow him to enter the cab compelling him to ride in the cold on top of the cars. The wound (or fracture of his skull) is said to have been such as one as would have been caused by a blow from a hammer or small blunt instrument,—possibly the end of a poker,— and not such as would have probably been received had he fallen from the top of the train and struck on the hard, frozen ground. Bert's experience as a railroad brakeman was short. Less than three months ago he left a good home with his parents on their farm in Convis, and pushed out into the world to battle for himself among its vicissitudes. Now he fills an early grave."

This morning a reporter of the STATESMAN interviewed a gentleman of this city who has known the Garfield family for years and he stated that in his opinion Bert Garfield was murdered and that the relatives of the deceased also entertained the same opinion. The authorities should investigate this matter.

The Evening Statesman. Marshall, Michigan, February 12, 1887.


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