The story of the Bloody Benders was originally posted on Murder by Gaslight on November 6, 2010. I recently came across a book entitled History, Romance and Philosophy of Great American Crimes and Criminals with some fascinating depictions of the Bender family, along with a floor plan of their house and an illustration of how the murders were done. So as an addendum to the original post, here is the Bender Family Album:
The voluptuous Katie Bender gave lectures on spiritualism. Her newspaper advertisements promising to “heal all sorts of diseases” lured victims to the Benders’ home. |
As the victim dined, one of the Bender men would strike him with a sledgehammer from behind a canvas sheet. |
A floor plan of the Bender home, including K-the canvas sheet, and L-the all-important trap-door. |
Triplett, Frank. History, romance and philosophy of great American crimes and criminals ; with personal portraits, biographical sketches, legal notes of celebrated ... causes, prevalence and prevention of crime .. Hartford, Conn.: Park Pub. Co., 1885.
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