Little Murders:
From Defenders and Offenders:Ebenezer Stanyard.
Ebenezer Stanyard was hung at Youngstown, Ohio, for the murder of a woman by the name of Alice Hancox. The cause of the murder was very much shrouded in mystery, but the proof of his guilt was overwhelming. The affair created quite a sensation in Youngstown, and on the day of his execution the excitement was still greater.
Defenders and offenders. New York: D. Buchner & Co., 1888.
July 2, 2011 at 3:22 PM
Dear Gaslight
I enjoy your site greatly
The reason for the murder seems to be jealousy of a seemingly deranged individual
Here is an article from a newspaper:
March 26, 1887
Eau Claire Daily Leader
A Coward's Murderous Shot
YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio, March 26. – Thursday evening in Kilkenny, a suburb of this city, as Miss Mary Hancock, aged 17, was walking with Wilber Knox, aged 21, she was shot be Ebenezer Stanyard, aged 25, her Next-door neighbor, whom she had refused to accept as a lover.
As the young lady and Knox were passing Stanyard's gate, at which he stood, he fired six shots, the second or third shot taking effect, entering her head an inch above the right ear and going through the brain. A bullet grazed Knox's head the powder burning his face _____ ball cut a finger. The girl was ____ to her father's house where she died ____ few moments. Stanyard was said to be slightly crazy. He has not yet been arrested. He was arrested a few days ago for shooting within the city limits, but was fined and discharged.
July 2, 2011 at 5:31 PM
Thanks for the additional informaion. Shooting the girl next door is never a good idea. I'll bet the trial was interesting too, with Stanyard being "slightly crazy."
September 24, 2012 at 4:30 AM
Ebenezer's uncle was my great-great grandfather. The family story passed down was he had survived smallpox as a child but was "weak-minded". Lots of newspaper articles on him from 1887-/1888
September 24, 2012 at 5:22 PM
This is very intesting. At the moment I only have one short paragraph about Ebenezer Stanyard. It sounds like he might be worth some serious research.
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