The Mournful and Pathetic Ballad on the Murder of John Love
A ballad of the murder of John Love in New York, 1824.
The story: The Thayer Brothers
The Mournful and Pathetic Ballad on the Murder of John Love
Anonymous, 1825 (original spelling)
In England some years ago
the sun was pleasant fair and gay
John Love on board of a ship he entered
And sald in to a merica
Love Was a man very perceverlng
in making trades with all he see
he soon ingaged to be a sailor
to sail up and down Lake Eri
he then went Into the Southern countries,
to trade for furs and other skins
but the cruel French and saveg Indians
came very near to killing him.
but God did spare him a little longer
he got his loging and come down the lake
he went into the town of lockport
Where he made the grate mistake
with Nelson Thayer he made his station
thrue the summer for to stay
Nelson had two brothers Isaac and Israel
Love lent them money for thare debts to pay
Love lent them quite a sum of money
he did befriend them every way
but the cruel cretres tha couldent be quiet
till they had taken his sweet life away
one day as tba ware all three to gether
this dreadful murder tba did contrive
tha agreed to kill Love and keep it secret
and then to live and spend thare lives
on the fifteenth evening of last december
in eighteen hundred and twenty four
tha invited Love to go home with them
and tha killed and murdered him on the floor
first Isaac with his gun he shot him
he left his gun and went away
then Nelson with his ax chopt him
tell he had no life that could perceve
after tha had killed and most mortly bras’s him
tha drawd him out where tha killed thare hogs
tha then carried him of a pease from the house
and deposited him down by a log
the next day tha were so very bold
tha had Loves horses riding round
some asked the reason of Loves being absent
tha sed he had clered and left the town
tha sed he had forged in the town of Erie
the sheriff was in pursuit of him
he left the place and run awa
and left his debts to collect by them
tha went and forgd a power of turney
to collect Loves note when tha was due
tha tore and stormed to git thare pay
and several nabors tha did sue
after tha had run to high degree
In killing Love and in forgery
Tha soon were taken and put in prison
Where tha remained for thare cruelty
Tha were bound in irons in the dark dunjon
For to remain for a little time
Tha were condemd by the grand jury
For this most foul and dreadful crime
Then the judge pronounced thare dredful sentence
Whith grate candidness to behold
You must all be hanged untell your ded
And lord mursey on your souls
A ballad of the murder of John Love in New York, 1824.
The story: The Thayer Brothers
The Mournful and Pathetic Ballad on the Murder of John Love
Anonymous, 1825 (original spelling)
In England some years ago
the sun was pleasant fair and gay
John Love on board of a ship he entered
And sald in to a merica
Love Was a man very perceverlng
in making trades with all he see
he soon ingaged to be a sailor
to sail up and down Lake Eri
he then went Into the Southern countries,
to trade for furs and other skins
but the cruel French and saveg Indians
came very near to killing him.
but God did spare him a little longer
he got his loging and come down the lake
he went into the town of lockport
Where he made the grate mistake
with Nelson Thayer he made his station
thrue the summer for to stay
Nelson had two brothers Isaac and Israel
Love lent them money for thare debts to pay
Love lent them quite a sum of money
he did befriend them every way
but the cruel cretres tha couldent be quiet
till they had taken his sweet life away
one day as tba ware all three to gether
this dreadful murder tba did contrive
tha agreed to kill Love and keep it secret
and then to live and spend thare lives
on the fifteenth evening of last december
in eighteen hundred and twenty four
tha invited Love to go home with them
and tha killed and murdered him on the floor
first Isaac with his gun he shot him
he left his gun and went away
then Nelson with his ax chopt him
tell he had no life that could perceve
after tha had killed and most mortly bras’s him
tha drawd him out where tha killed thare hogs
tha then carried him of a pease from the house
and deposited him down by a log
the next day tha were so very bold
tha had Loves horses riding round
some asked the reason of Loves being absent
tha sed he had clered and left the town
tha sed he had forged in the town of Erie
the sheriff was in pursuit of him
he left the place and run awa
and left his debts to collect by them
tha went and forgd a power of turney
to collect Loves note when tha was due
tha tore and stormed to git thare pay
and several nabors tha did sue
after tha had run to high degree
In killing Love and in forgery
Tha soon were taken and put in prison
Where tha remained for thare cruelty
Tha were bound in irons in the dark dunjon
For to remain for a little time
Tha were condemd by the grand jury
For this most foul and dreadful crime
Then the judge pronounced thare dredful sentence
Whith grate candidness to behold
You must all be hanged untell your ded
And lord mursey on your souls